For my genius hour project I chose to research the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. I chose this topic as I find the mystery disappearances to be very interesting and I also find the legends and myths to be really appealing. I hope to be able to find out the different theories behind all of the disappearances that have occurred in the Bermuda Triangle and to also find out the different opinions and beliefs of the people who have researched or even traveled there. I want to be able to find reliable sources that explain this long mystery. Hopefully my final product will turn into a power point showing off all of my information and explanations on my topic, using pictures and videos so the class will understand the facts a little bit better. I will read and present all of the information in front of the class and try to get them to learn as much as I did during the entire process.

     So far some of my biggest challenges have been trying to find reliable sources for the mystery disappearances and just information in general as some sources aren’t very reliable. Some websites do not have proper information so it is sometimes hard to find real and good information. That will be my biggest challenge while researching on this topic for sure. My next steps are to further my learning and gain more reliable information on the Bermuda Triangle and try to make my final product the best that it can be. 

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