My genius hour project has gotten larger and has been improved day by day. Some new concepts I have learnt through researching on the Bermuda Triangle have been my sense of knowing what resources are the best ones and which ones have better content and truth in them than others. Some new ideas that I have gained are the endless amount of theories on the Bermuda Triangle and the ones that are more believed than others. I’ve also gained some ideas on the exact location of the triangle and the mysteries behind the actual location.    

   Some of my best resources so far have been the time we have had in class as the computers and internet have helped me with all my research to find all the information that I need for my end product. Books have also given me very good resources as they've given truthful and real information that I can use for my own presentation. Overall I think my presentation will be filled with good information that people can gain and find interest in. My topic is probably not just a mystery that I think about every so often but a mystery that many people think of. Hopefully my presentation will help people gain new perspectives and theories on the Bermuda Triangle and answer some of the questions they have been thinking about since the mysteries have started.    

Here is a video about the history of the Bermuda Triangle.