Since I’ve reached my final product on my genius hour project on the Bermuda Triangle I am really satisfied with how it all turned out and how it physically looks like. The project over all has helped me learn a lot of new and interesting facts about this topic that I’ve been curious about for a long time now. Finding and picking the information has given me a lot of options when it comes to the true and false information about my topic and has given me better experiencing when it comes to finding more trust worthy information for my project so that I know I am giving out truthful information. By finding all the information I am so much more aware of the history, location, disappearances, and facts about the Bermuda Triangle. The final product is a presentation with information that will be explained by me and with visuals to help people understand and visualize it all more. I also included a video so that the topic goes into even more detail. I’m really happy with the turn out of my genius hour project and feel like I’ve learnt a lot and that when I present this project to the class they will learn a lot too.